resizeHandle: typeof ResizeHandle = ResizeHandle

Modifier to attach to the column resize handles. This provides both keyboard and mouse support for resizing columns. (provided the resize handle element is focusable -- so consider using a button for the resize element)


import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { meta } from 'ember-headless-table/plugins';
import { resizeHandle, ColumnResizing } from 'ember-headless-table/plugins/column-resizing';

export default class TableHead extends Component {
/* ✂️ */

{{#each this.columns as |column|}}
<button {{resizeHandle column}}></button>

Width and isResizing state is maintained on the "meta" class so that the users may choose per-column stylings for isResizing and dragging behaviors.

For example, while dragging, the user may add a class based on the isDragging property.


import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { meta } from 'ember-headless-table/plugins';
import { resizeHandle, ColumnResizing } from 'ember-headless-table/plugins/column-resizing';

export default class TableHead extends Component {
/* ✂️ */

isDragging = (column) => {
return meta.forColumn(column, ColumnResizing).isDragging;

{{#each this.columns as |column|}}
<th class="header {{if (this.isDragging column) 'blue'}}">
<button {{resizeHandle column}}></button>


The logic here is copied from the drag slider in See: "resize-handle" on Limber's GitHub

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